Health Care Stories
Love and compassion in action
The health care team specialises in running rural clinics, supporting the ICBC community developments, providing first aid training and basic hygiene education. They work closely with HIV/AIDS related illnesses, common sicknesses, nutrition, and hygiene. The clinics provide medical care and advice and referrals to partner organisations run alongside prayer and pastoral counsel.
A major vision for the health care team within Challenge Ministries Swaziland, is to train and equip, build up and empower local Swazi volunteers from within their own communities to reach the sick, orphaned, widowed and vulnerable within their own communities. These are known as our Compassionate Care Teams. Food parcels and ‘Pamper days for Gogos’ (Grandmothers) are some of the other ways the Health Care Team bless the people they serve. The team helps to alleviate the suffering of those in poverty, children orphaned by AIDS and widows in their crippling old age who are caring for orphans. Their vision is to bring transformation to communities through caring for the most sick and vulnerable.